I'm alicia


I fancy myself one of those graceful, put-together girls who can wear heels (and not wobble), drink martinis (without spilling), and pull off a front-tuck (without looking like I just accidentally got my shirt caught in my pants when I put them on). But instead, I'm the girl who wears Converse with dresses, prefers jumping on a trampoline to doing squats, drinks bourbon when I'm casual and Scotch when I'm fancy, and will most certainly spill any food or drink provided to me.

I'm my best self when involved in something I love doing, like creating or traveling. I love meeting new folks on my travels, but I'm also an introvert, so I always carry a book and a knitting project along for 'me' time.

I've previously lived in New Jersey, Vermont, and Massachusetts before settling in Virginia with my husband, Jon. Together we live in our little home with our dog and are blissfully child-free.

awkward. dreamer. believer in magic.

Approximate cups of tea consumed weekly


Miles flown in 2017 -
that's a tenth of the way to the moon!


I have my bachelor's degree in Meteorology


Favorite city
to visit - I've been three times


A few of my favorite things

My husband, Jon



Traveling and Exploring

Non-fiction books

Whiskey + prohibition-era cocktails


The ocean

La langue française

Our dog, Bronson

“Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.”

Conversation starters


I’m a nerd, which you could probably gather from the meteorologist thing. Want to talk nerdy to me? Drop some knowledge about space, weather, or Star Wars.

My personality is a blend of Phoebe Buffay, Michelle Tanner (age 4), Stitch (of Lilo and Stitch), and Liz Lemon.

I’m a meteorologist. That’s weather, not meteors like my dentist thinks it is.

I speak in movie quotes and hope people get the reference and not think I’m insane. 60% of the time it works every time.

My karaoke jams are Getting’ Jiggy Wit It and Ice Ice Baby. Look, I’m a product of the 90s. I make no apologies.

Did we just become best friends? 


Take me back